trail mix - definitie. Wat is trail mix
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Wat (wie) is trail mix - definitie

Trailmix; Scroggin; Gorp; Trail Mix; Studentenfutter; Trek mix; Trax mix; Trail mixes
  • Planters-brand trail mix
  • Studentenfutter (student fodder)

trail mix         
A term used to describe the dry, craggy, sun-baked complexion of an elderly individual.
Robert Redford is starting to look like trail mix.
Trail mix         
Trail mix or scroggin is a type of snack mix, typically a combination of granola, dried fruit, nuts, and sometimes candy, developed as a food to be taken along on hikes. Trail mix is considered a great snack food for hikes, because it is lightweight, easy to store, and nutritious, providing a quick energy boost from the carbohydrates in the dried fruit or granola, and sustained energy from fat in nuts.
trail mix         
¦ noun a mixture of dried fruit and nuts eaten as a snack.


Trail mix

Trail mix or scroggin is a type of snack mix, typically a combination of granola, dried fruit, nuts, and sometimes candy, developed as a food to be taken along on hikes. Trail mix is considered a great snack food for hikes, because it is lightweight, easy to store, and nutritious, providing a quick energy boost from the carbohydrates in the dried fruit or granola, and sustained energy from fat in nuts.

The combination of nuts, raisins and chocolate as a trail snack, dates at least to the 1910s, when outdoorsman Horace Kephart recommended it in his popular camping guide.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor trail mix
1. Same with trail mix.
Should I Scoop Out My Bagel _ Ilyse Schapiro & Hallie Rich _ Talks at Google
2. KYLE NEWMAN: Like a trail mix, something
Heroes Feast - The Official Dungeons and Dragons Cookbook _ Talks at Google
3. With trail mix, the most important thing
Should I Scoop Out My Bagel _ Ilyse Schapiro & Hallie Rich _ Talks at Google
4. some type of trail mix or iron rations
Heroes Feast - The Official Dungeons and Dragons Cookbook _ Talks at Google
5. And a lot of times with your trail mix,
Should I Scoop Out My Bagel _ Ilyse Schapiro & Hallie Rich _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor trail mix
1. Gravel picks up a two–pound canister of trail mix.
2. "Did you get all the goodies?" "Pardon?" "The trail mix?
3. Another popular alternative to junk food is trail mix.
4. The trail mix that hazard delivers typically comprises elm, poplar, red cedar, willow oak.
5. In one, he asks if she could please send Pop Tarts, trail mix and razors.